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Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - nautilus - 30.12.19

Tourniquet schrieb:Regarding Language Packs: It's dependend on the FFU you have flashed on your phone. After you have the "final" Windows 10 Mobile Version you like (except the Astoria Builds, they only have limitied languages to choose from) and reset the phone you can select from a long list of preinstalled languages. If they don't include the language that you desire, I think you can also download the language pack from settings, with that I'm not too sure though.

What the language you're looking for?

If you have unencrypted Xap Files and enable developer settings in setting you can sideload Xap Files via a PC app. It's way easier to sideload Appx files because thats natively supported.

Thank you.
It seems that FFU file that's currently on the phone was originally created for Hungarian market, at least that's in the name of the FFU file when I check on based on the Product Code I enter there.
I will need Croatian language pack (it's currently installed on the phone, the navigation also has Croatian speaking language which he uses quite a lot). My father doesn't speak English well enough to use anything else than Croatian.
OK, I'll need to read how to sideload apps (that will only be needed in case I'll need to rollback to WP8.1), otherwise I guess all the apps should be possible to install via Store after the upgrade to WP10.

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - nautilus - 05.01.20

Hi guys,

Here is the progress so far: I upgraded the phone yesterday from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 using ToUrNiQuEt's iutool (tool works like a charm, it's so simple to use, truly amazing :-)) first to 10586.107 (13080.107) and then to 10586.1176 (14003.1176) as recommended by ToUrNiQuEt. Then I did a hard reset as suggested.

Now, here are the problems:
1. I cannot install Lumia Camera from Windows Store on Windows 10 Mobile 10586.1176 (it says the app has been blocked for this device, there is no possibility to download and install it from the Windows Store, download button is greyed out).
2. I tried unlocking bootloader using WPInternals tool (to be able to enable Developer settings and try to sideload Lumia Camera app) but it fails to enter Flash mode :-(
3. What I also didn't know is that HERE Drive+ app (which my father uses for navigation) is no longer working under Windows 10, it says the app is no longer supported :-( I don't know why but I cannot enable voice support in Windows Maps :-( I would at least want to have HERE Drive+ and Lumia Camera apps back
4. I tried rolling back to WP8.1 using Windows Device Recovery Tool but rollback fails :-(

Any ideas how to unlock Lumia 1020 at this stage in order to enable Developer settings to at least try to somehow install Lumia Camera? (installed Windows Camera app is crap, there is no selectable option to choose between high resolution photos and 5 MP photos, only possibility is taking 34 MP photos).

Or how to rollback to WP8.1? Or how to downgrade to 10586.107 to test if unlocking bootloader works from that build using WPInternals?

Thank you in advance!

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - CTHTC - 05.01.20

Hi there
If I'm not mistaken, no Nokia Apps will run under Win10M. That includes HERE and the Lumia camera.
The replacement for HERE would then be "cards", for the Lumia camera the Microsoft camera, which does not appeal to you.
You can activate the developer option directly on the phone, you don't need a hack. Ultimately, this won't help you, because the WP8.1 apps are not made for Win10M.
You can easily get back to WP8.1 using the following instructions:

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - nautilus - 05.01.20

CTHTC schrieb:Hi there
If I'm not mistaken, no Nokia Apps will run under Win10M. That includes HERE and the Lumia camera.
The replacement for HERE would then be "cards", for the Lumia camera the Microsoft camera, which does not appeal to you.
You can activate the developer option directly on the phone, you don't need a hack. Ultimately, this won't help you, because the WP8.1 apps are not made for Win10M.
You can easily get back to WP8.1 using the following instructions:

Thank you for the quick response.
Please tell me how can I activate Developer option on the phone?
But many users reported Lumia Camera woking on Windows 10 (e.g. Lumia Camera for the 1020 returns to the Store, integrates with Photos update ) That's why I would like to try to sideload it, it must work.
Btw, I downloaded Lumia Flash tools from the link you sent me, but it asks for password when I try to extract the zip file.

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - skaarj80 - 05.01.20

well the WDRT should recognize your Phone, maybe via the „other Phone“ Option, not quite sure how this point is named in the English or Croation Software, but there is a Point if your phone is not correct recognized.

The other Point is, in the settings, under Update & Security should be found the Developer options, there you can activate sideloading of Apps, i guess there were a limit of 3 Apps in past, but that should be enough for Lumia Camera. The Point is, i have no source for the App in mind, hopefully someone will helping me out...

The password is super heavy secured and we have to kill you after we told it to you, or take the name of the website with 3 capital letters ( but pssst, don‘t let the boss know [emoji6]

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Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - nautilus - 05.01.20

skaarj80 schrieb:Hey,
well the WDRT should recognize your Phone, maybe via the „other Phone“ Option, not quite sure how this point is named in the English or Croation Software, but there is a Point if your phone is not correct recognized.

The other Point is, in the settings, under Update & Security should be found the Developer options, there you can activate sideloading of Apps, i guess there were a limit of 3 Apps in past, but that should be enough for Lumia Camera. The Point is, i have no source for the App in mind, hopefully someone will helping me out...

The password is super heavy secured and we have to kill you after we told it to you, or take the name of the website with 3 capital letters ( but pssst, don‘t let the boss know [emoji6]

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Thank you so much for such a quick response!
OK, I now have enabled Developer option under Update & Security, trying now to figure out how to install Lumia Camera. I have downloaded a file from and have put it into Downloads folder on Lumia. How to execute that file to install it?
Btw, I also wanted to try to flash the image using Windows Phone image Designer, but it doesn't recognize connected phone.

I haven't tried anything yet with WDRT (man, there are so many tools, I first need to read about it :-))

Btw, I so much REGRET not having unlocking bootloader using WPinternals while the phone was still on Windows 8.1! That way I would have been able to make a backup of the WP8.1 image and now everything would be OK!
Now I cannot unlock bootloader as WPinternals doesn't support 10586.1176 build (it supports 10586.107 but I don't know how to downgrade to it), and if I manage to flash it back to 8.1 then I guess won't be able to install all the apps again because the Store is no longer working under 8.1?!

Haha, thank you for the password :-))) You don't need to kill me, I wan't to kill myself now after I messed up my father's phone :-((((((

BTW, I see now what you meant with WDRT, it's Windows Recovery Tool -> I have already tried it, it recognizes the phone, it gave a warning that the software I want to install is older than the one on the phone, i then confirmed, it downloaded the package, and then it tries to install it (it tells you the process will take about 15 minutes), the phone restarts like 3 times, and then the tool gives a message that it failed to install the software :-((

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - skaarj80 - 05.01.20

Strange, very Strange...

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Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - nautilus - 05.01.20

I tried sideloading Lumia Camera app, first I downloaded Appx bundle from, then placed the file under Download folders, positioned myself into folder on the phone using Total Commander, clicked on it to install, but it doesn't want to install it :-(

I have turned a useful phone (Lumia Camera and HERE Drive+ with Croatian language pack were the most useful apps for my father) into a useless phone :-((((((

And I cannot flash it back to 8.1, it simply doesn't work with WDRT, I also tried WPinternals (cannot enter Flash mode) and Windows Phone image Designer (deosn't recognize the phone), nothing works :-(((((

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - skaarj80 - 05.01.20

Again, do you have allowed your phone to install Apps from outside the store in Settings, Update & Security, for Developers?
Without that Option your Phone will Never install the App.

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Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - nautilus - 05.01.20

I have now tried to flash it with WDRT using CMD, and I also get an error (I placed FFU file on my Desktop):

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Care Suite\Windows Device Recovery Tool>thor2 -
mode uefiflash -ffufile "%HomePath%\Desktop\Package\FullFlashUpdate.ffu" -do_fu
ll_nvi_update -do_factory_reset -reboot
Built for Windows @ 1346 Jun 16 2015
Thor2 is running on Windows of version 6.1
thor2 -mode uefiflash -ffufile \Users\User\Desktop\Package\FullFlashUpdate.ffu -
do_full_nvi_update -do_factory_reset -reboot
Process started Sun Jan 05 1536 2020
Logging to file C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\thor2_win_20200105153636_Thread
Debugging enabled for uefiflash

Initiating FFU flash operation
WinUSB in use.
Normal mode detected
Rebooting to the normal mode...
Resp from NCSd {"id":7,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":null}

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - nautilus - 05.01.20

skaarj80 schrieb:Again, do you have allowed your phone to install Apps from outside the store in Settings, Update & Security, for Developers?
Without that Option your Phone will Never install the App.

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Yes, as you told me, I have enabled it, but it still cannot install the Appx file.
Am I following the correct procedure here:
First I go to Microsoft Store, search for Lumia Camera, this is the link what I get (btw, there are two Lumia Camera apps available there):
For this Lumia Camera is says 'This app is for Windows Phone 8.1. For Windows 10 devices, the built-in Camera app works best.'

Then I enter that link into
and there I download the file with appx extension (Microsoft.MicrosoftLumiaCamera_2015.1022.1227.410_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe.appxbundle)
I then transferred the file on Lumia, and with Total Commander I go to a folder where I placed the file and click on it, it offers Install option, but it then does nothing.

Btw, there is another Lumia Camera app in Windows store:
For this one there is no warning message that it's for Windows Phone 8.1
But if I enter that link into I don't get appx file, only this file without extension: [URL=""]029adfa2-9f8b-48c2-b47d-cb9360fd79ad
[/URL]And I'm not sure if / how to install that file (no Appx extension).

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - nautilus - 05.01.20

OMG, Lumia Camera is actually INSTALLED!!!!
Since I didn't get any confirmation message that it installation was successul I thought installation didn't work!!
I think I now need to do factory reset, cause the only option currently available is high resolution photos, 34MP.

Will get back to you shortly. Thank you!!

EDIT: Damn, it was a short celebration, it actually refuses to open Lumia Camera, it says like 'we are saying goodbye to this app, there is new app Camera' and you can only click open Camera, it's just a shortcut for standard Camera, Lumia Camera won't open :-(
And only has highres 34 MP option :-(

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - Tourniquet - 05.01.20

nautilus schrieb:Hi guys,

Now, here are the problems:
1. I cannot install Lumia Camera from Windows Store on Windows 10 Mobile 10586.1176 (it says the app has been blocked for this device, there is no possibility to download and install it from the Windows Store, download button is greyed out).
2. I tried unlocking bootloader using WPInternals tool (to be able to enable Developer settings and try to sideload Lumia Camera app) but it fails to enter Flash mode :-(
3. What I also didn't know is that HERE Drive+ app (which my father uses for navigation) is no longer working under Windows 10, it says the app is no longer supported :-( I don't know why but I cannot enable voice support in Windows Maps :-( I would at least want to have HERE Drive+ and Lumia Camera apps back
4. I tried rolling back to WP8.1 using Windows Device Recovery Tool but rollback fails :-(

Or how to rollback to WP8.1? Or how to downgrade to 10586.107 to test if unlocking bootloader works from that build using WPInternals?

Thank you in advance!

1) You should be able to download the App from the Store, but you require the right link:
2) No need for unlocking to sideload stuff, but you figured that already out.
3) Yes Here Drive+ and Here Maps are no longer compatible, but Voice Direction is still very much supported in the Windows 10 Maps App. If you really need a better Windows 10 Maps App you might want to upgrade to 14393 aka Windows 10 Mobile Version 1607. That said though: There are modified / old version of Here Drive+ and Maps that do still work on Windows 10 Mobile. I was never interested in them, because for me Windows 10 Maps works great, but there are versions around.

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - Tourniquet - 05.01.20

Here you can find a good instruction how to get Here Drive+ and Here Maps+ to work on Windows 10 Mobile:

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - skaarj80 - 05.01.20

Well, big thanks to @tourniquet for picking up the topic and helping out. In the end ist seems the Sideload is done, the Rest will be a settings item, what is the actual Format for pictures?
The best Resolution should be at 3:2, if your Settings are 16:9 it‘s normal that the Resolution is not Max.

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Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - nautilus - 05.01.20

Tourniquet schrieb:1) You should be able to download the App from the Store, but you require the right link:
2) No need for unlocking to sideload stuff, but you figured that already out.
3) Yes Here Drive+ and Here Maps are no longer compatible, but Voice Direction is still very much supported in the Windows 10 Maps App. If you really need a better Windows 10 Maps App you might want to upgrade to 14393 aka Windows 10 Mobile Version 1607. That said though: There are modified / old version of Here Drive+ and Maps that do still work on Windows 10 Mobile. I was never interested in them, because for me Windows 10 Maps works great, but there are versions around.

1) I cannot download it directly from the webpage of Microsoft Store, if I press Get button it says 'You own this app.' Even if I uninstall the app it still says 'You own this app' on Microsoft Store web.
3) There is no Croatian voice pack to install, at least I couldn't find it. Do you pehaps know how to install additional language packs for Windows 10 Maps?

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - nautilus - 05.01.20

skaarj80 schrieb:Well, big thanks to @tourniquet for picking up the topic and helping out. In the end ist seems the Sideload is done, the Rest will be a settings item, what is the actual Format for pictures?
The best Resolution should be at 3:2, if your Settings are 16:9 it‘s normal that the Resolution is not Max.

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Unfortunately it didn't work with Lumia Camera, I edited my previous post:
'EDIT: Damn, it was a short celebration, it actually refuses to open Lumia Camera, it says like 'we are saying goodbye to this app, there is new app Camera' and you can only click open Camera, it's just a shortcut for standard Camera, Lumia Camera won't open :-(
And only has highres 34 MP option :-('

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - skaarj80 - 05.01.20

Okay, first the language Package.
My Lumia 640 Windows 10 mobile gives me some options, Settings, Time and Language, Language, there are some options available, according MS help site Croatian should be hrvatski (Hrvatska) is that correct?

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Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - nautilus - 05.01.20

skaarj80 schrieb:Okay, first the language Package.
My Lumia 640 Windows 10 mobile gives me some options, Settings, Time and Language, Language, there are some options available, according MS help site Croatian should be hrvatski (Hrvatska) is that correct?

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Thanks, yes, there is Croatian (Hrvatski) language pack installed under Language settings, but as far as I remember I would need the same language pack under Speech for navigation in other language (Croatian), and there isn't Croatian available under Speech setting to install. Let me try to install it as keyboard language also, perhaps there will then be an option under Speech as well. As far as I remember it was needed under Speech for navi to work in Croatian (I might be wrong, it was like two years ago when I was setting this for my father, I remember it was a bit of a hussle to get it working with Croatian for HERE Drive+)

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - skaarj80 - 05.01.20

Okay, checked my options and i am not sure if should smile or cry [emoji19] You‘re right, for croatian Language you have to take hrvatski (Hrvatska), for the Keyboard should be „croatian“ available, in my case the german Term „Kroatisch“, Bit in speech are only german, englisch, french, simplyfied Chinese, spanish, Italien, japanese and portugese available... [emoji19]

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