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Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - nautilus - 05.01.20

Tourniquet schrieb:Here you can find a good instruction how to get Here Drive+ and Here Maps+ to work on Windows 10 Mobile:

I love you Tourniquet! :-)
I managed to get HERE Drive working again! There is an option to install Croatian language, it offered it as soon as I opened HERE Drive+ app. I will test it in the evening when I'll drive with my dad, I guess it will work as before. I will then also test new Windows Maps, but I think there is no Croatian language pack for that one. Anyway, we are getting close thanks to you guys on this forum!! Thank you again!!!!

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - nautilus - 05.01.20

skaarj80 schrieb:Okay, checked my options and i am not sure if should smile or cry [emoji19] You‘re right, for croatian Language you have to take hrvatski (Hrvatska), for the Keyboard should be „croatian“ available, in my case the german Term „Kroatisch“, Bit in speech are only german, englisch, french, simplyfied Chinese, spanish, Italien, japanese and portugese available... [emoji19]

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Thanks for checking it out. Yeah, it seems no Croatian language pack available for speech. But I managed to get HERE Drive+ working again thanks to Tourniquet. I still cannot test any speech as I'm a small flat haha, I will test it outside while driving/walking. Thank you also very much!
Now just to somehow get Lumia Camera working :-) i will try again with sideloading the app.

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - skaarj80 - 05.01.20

So there is only the Lumia Camera left, which is not working correctly, right?

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Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - Tourniquet - 05.01.20

nautilus schrieb:Thanks for checking it out. Yeah, it seems no Croatian language pack available for speech. But I managed to get HERE Drive+ working again thanks to Tourniquet. I still cannot test any speech as I'm a small flat haha, I will test it outside while driving/walking. Thank you also very much!
Now just to somehow get Lumia Camera working :-) i will try again with sideloading the app.

After you removed the current Lumia Camera App, you can try to go to the store and then to your library. It should also be listed there. Maybe that way you can install the right version. Should v4 if I remember correctly.

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - nautilus - 05.01.20

skaarj80 schrieb:So there is only the Lumia Camera left, which is not working correctly, right?

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Yes, that's the only thing left at this point (still to test HERE Drive+ in the evening :-))
I again sideloaded it, it installs the app, but it doesn't want to open Lumia Camera, it just informs you that there is now Windows Camera app instead and you can press the button which then opens Windows Camera.
And the problem with this Camera is that it's not as good as Lumia Camera, and it's also locked to only taking highres photos, each one with like 10 MB in size.
There must be a way to get Lumia Camera working on this build of Windows 10, I have read that many people managed to get it working with all camera settings like on WP8.1 (5 MP + 34 MP options available).

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - nautilus - 05.01.20

Tourniquet schrieb:After you removed the current Lumia Camera App, you can try to go to the store and then to your library. It should also be listed there. Maybe that way you can install the right version. Should v4 if I remember correctly.

Still cannot install it direclty from Windows Store on the phone. It says it's blocked due to company's policy (button to install it is greyed out). What I'm a bit confused is why does it say on Microsoft Windows Store ( that I own the app even though it's uninstalled from the phone.
Is there a way to sideload it (, if I enter the url to I don't get Appx file, file has no extension at all.

Let me try to find some Lumia Camera appx on the web, perhaps I'll get lucky with one of them.

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - skaarj80 - 05.01.20

Keep us up to Date...

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Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - nautilus - 05.01.20

So far I managed to find three Lumia Camera appx files that were possible to install.
With one of them I get the same 'goodbye' message that the app is no longer to be used and that there is now Windows Camera app instead.
With other two appx after installing I get the message that I should update to Denim software (firmware?) in order to be able to use Lumia Camera app.

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - skaarj80 - 05.01.20

Okay, so no News today, 4 useless Apps, damn [emoji17]

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Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - Klaus1979 - 05.01.20

Hi @nautilus!

Update to denim software means that the Lumia Camera app does not support the SoC S4. A solution to this problem has unfortunately not yet been found. The only currently working Lumia Camera app for S4 is the Lumia Camera

Lumia Camera

But I assume that MS has removed the license for this app. So the download with no longer works.

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - nautilus - 06.01.20

skaarj80 schrieb:Okay, so no News today, 4 useless Apps, damn [emoji17]

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Yeah, still no good news :-( I tried DOZENS of Lumia Camera appx files that I managed to find, and nothing worked :-( Still to test some that I received from Tourniquet, will let you know soon.

Btw, another issue is that I couldn't get any speech with HERE Drive+ navi, I tried everything, Croatian, English, I simply couldn't get it working. Overspeed warning works (sound signal is there), but directions with speech i couldn't get back working.

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - nautilus - 06.01.20

EDIT: tested additional three appx/xap files (thank you Tourniquet) and still no luck. Only one managed to install, but it then asks for Denim software upgrade after starting the app.

Btw, is there any difference between installing appx/xap files by executing files on the phone and between deploying them e.g. using Windows Phone Application Deployment tool from Windows?

I'm now playing with deploying apps using Windows Phone Application Deployment tool but getting different errors like 'The parameter is incorrect', or 'Error - 0x81030120' and on some files even an error that 'Device is developer locked. Register for the developer unlock program before deploying the application'. Even though I have enabled Developer settings under security and settings. I'm confused with this.

OK, doing hard reset now (again), to see what will happen. To be honest, this is all so exhausting and so much time consuming.
Thank you all for helping me with this!

I'm sure the biggest mistake I did was not making a backup with WPinternals (I'm 100% positive that I could have unlocked bootloader while phone was still on WP8.1 and then I should have created a full backup image). For some reason the phone refuses to enter Flash mode at this stage, so now I'm pretty much stuck with this build. I just wish if there would be a way to downgrade it to one step earlier to 10586.107 (13080.107) because that build is supported in WPinternals.

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - Tourniquet - 06.01.20

nautilus schrieb:EDIT: tested additional three appx/xap files (thank you Tourniquet) and still no luck. Only one managed to install, but it then asks for Denim software upgrade after starting the app.

Btw, is there any difference between installing appx/xap files by executing files on the phone and between deploying them e.g. using Windows Phone Application Deployment tool from Windows?

I'm now playing with deploying apps using Windows Phone Application Deployment tool but getting different errors like 'The parameter is incorrect', or 'Error - 0x81030120' and on some files even an error that 'Device is developer locked. Register for the developer unlock program before deploying the application'. Even though I have enabled Developer settings under security and settings. I'm confused with this.

OK, doing hard reset now (again), to see what will happen. To be honest, this is all so exhausting and so much time consuming.
Thank you all for helping me with this!

I'm sure the biggest mistake I did was not making a backup with WPinternals (I'm 100% positive that I could have unlocked bootloader while phone was still on WP8.1 and then I should have created a full backup image). For some reason the phone refuses to enter Flash mode at this stage, so now I'm pretty much stuck with this build. I just wish if there would be a way to downgrade it to one step earlier to 10586.107 (13080.107) because that build is supported in WPinternals.


yes for XAP files you either need the Windows Phone 8.1 Application Deployment Tool (not the 8.0 one) or use the Interop Tools App. With that you can cap unlock your phone and it should be able to install the XAP file just fine (as long as it's not decrypted).

Btw after the hardreset, the Camera App should show up again.

The build you use is not compatible with WPInternals. Why do you still want to unlock it with WPInternals though?

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - nautilus - 06.01.20

Tourniquet schrieb:Heya,

yes for XAP files you either need the Windows Phone 8.1 Application Deployment Tool (not the 8.0 one) or use the Interop Tools App. With that you can cap unlock your phone and it should be able to install the XAP file just fine (as long as it's not decrypted).

Btw after the hardreset, the Camera App should show up again.

The build you use is not compatible with WPInternals. Why do you still want to unlock it with WPInternals though?

Thanks, I'll then try to install some of the XAP files that I downloaded for Lumia Camera using that Deployment tool. So, did I understand correctly that XAP files are not possible to install directly from the phone, but Deployment tool is needed? Cause for some files I got the message that it's not acceptable file (or something like that).

I wanted to use WPInternals to make full backup image of the phone. For that I would need to unlock bootloader.

And btw, today during night after I did hard reset I signed up to Microsoft account using my own credentials (my father was already asleep so I couldn't ask him for his password), and it seems it's not possible to remove that first initial account in phone account Settings, but it's needed to make hard reset (in progress now again :-)) and start all over again. Well done Microsoft! :-)

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - skaarj80 - 06.01.20

Well, sorry Bro, but some of your problems are a result of doing 5 things at the same time instead of doing one thing correct.
You asked for a way to bring the 1020 to Windows 10 mobile, we gave you a way.
Then the issue with the Lumia camera and the „by the way info“ you messed up the unlock with WPInternals and WDRT, we discussed that problem and you came up with the language pack at the same time we tried to help you with the other problem.

To be honest, I feel really sorry for advising Windows 10 mobile to you, but I cannot switch the time back. The iPhone / iPad can only be used with one single Account, Android uses different Accounts since Android 6 I guess, not that far away, but Windows 10 mobile is crapware because you can only use one single Account, sorry...

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Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - nautilus - 07.01.20

skaarj80 schrieb:Well, sorry Bro, but some of your problems are a result of doing 5 things at the same time instead of doing one thing correct.
You asked for a way to bring the 1020 to Windows 10 mobile, we gave you a way.
Then the issue with the Lumia camera and the „by the way info“ you messed up the unlock with WPInternals and WDRT, we discussed that problem and you came up with the language pack at the same time we tried to help you with the other problem.

To be honest, I feel really sorry for advising Windows 10 mobile to you, but I cannot switch the time back. The iPhone / iPad can only be used with one single Account, Android uses different Accounts since Android 6 I guess, not that far away, but Windows 10 mobile is crapware because you can only use one single Account, sorry...

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First of all no need to feel sorry for anything from your side. You have all helped me A LOT so far, and thank you all for that!!
I'm learning by doing, even if that means making mistakes. I don't feel bad if I make any mistakes (yes, sometimes it can be frustrating), but it's how things work sometimes. The important thing is to never give up, and I hardly ever surrender when I start doing something and stumble upon a problem :-)

Here is the new progress update:

1. I managed to rollback Lumia to Windows 8.1 using WDRT.
While searching for solution I've stumbled upon a post (think it was on Microsoft support forum about an issue with not being able to restore to 8.1 using WDRT). The user found the fix by installing WDRT tool on his laptop with Windows 10 OS cause the tool didn't work on his other OS. And guess what, in my case that was the problem too :-)
So, for anyone having the same issue with WDRT, try installing it on a different OS (initially I have tried it on a laptop with Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit version and it failed to install 8.1 back on Lumia phone as the last step (the tool recognized the phone, downloaded software, rebooted the phone three times and gave an error that it failed to install software on the phone).

2. WDRT installed 8.10.12393.890 OS on Lumia, and then Lumia updated OS to the latest 8.1 build (8.10.14226.359). Both OS builds are supported with WPinternals.

3. Lumia Camera is now back (it's now called Nokia Camera, but it's the same app), and HERE Drive+ works with Croatian speech/voice navigation. Both apps work as before the upgrade to Windows 10.

4. I tried unlocking bootloader with WPinternals 2.8 installed on a laptop running Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit but it failed to enter flash mode even on this supported build (8.10.14226.359). Then I installed WPinternals 2.8 on a laptop running Windows 10 and it successfully unlocked bootloader.

5. Currrently I'm creating a backup of the current state of Lumia phone with WPinternals (I didn't setup any Microsoft or Google account yet so that I have a clean image saved).

6. After the backup completes (at the time of writing it says 1 hour 30 minutes more), I'll switch back from mass storage mode to normal mode.

7. If I'll still be eager to play this night with Lumia after backup completes I'll test other apps and / or try to sideload apps that are missing because Windows Store is no longer working on 8.1 OS as of 16th December 2019 (I made a list of all apps my father had on the phone before I screwed it up).

8. Call me crazy, but I'd like to perhaps test some other Windows 10 builds in the next days cause now I will have a backup to which I can fallback to in case anything goes wrong.

Thank you all, I'll keep you posted.

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - Klaus1979 - 07.01.20

Nobody is crazy when they try new things or just experiment. We all tick like this. The problems you have with WDRT and WPI can only be indirectly related to Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit. I've no problems with Win7Dsk and WDRT or WPI. With Win10Dsk everything works now, that's good for now.

Big Grin

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - nautilus - 07.01.20

Klaus1979 schrieb:@nautilus
Nobody is crazy when they try new things or just experiment. We all tick like this. The problems you have with WDRT and WPI can only be indirectly related to Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit. I've no problems with Win7Dsk and WDRT or WPI. With Win10Dsk everything works now, that's good for now.

Big Grin

Haha, thanks :-) I love what you said here: 'We all tick like this' :-))))

I'm just upgrading now the phone to WP10 ver 1511 Build 10586.107 :-) I want to test if I can enable HERE Drive+ with Croatian speech and Lumia Camera on that build, cause I didn't test it before on .107 build.

Yes, the problem on my side was definitely related to Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit regarding WDRT and WPinternals. On Windows 10 Home 64bit, WDRT and WPinternals both worked flawlessly in my case.

I'll keep you posted :-)

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - nautilus - 09.01.20

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Just to inform you all that EVERYTHING now works perfectly on Windows 10 Mobile Version 1511 Build 10586.107 :-) Yeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaa! :-))))

After upgrading to Windows 10 Mobile Version 1511 Build 10586.107:

1. Lumia Camera is there, and works as supposed (5MP jpeg, 5MP + 34MP jpeg, 5MP jpeg + 34MP (raw) photo resolution choices).
2. HERE Drive+s works with Croatian speech navi :-) (I sideloaded HERE Drive+ app that works on WP10, thank you again Tourniquet!!)
3. Windows Store works (downloaded and installed almost all the apps that were previously installed on Lumia with WP8.1)
4. It seems MSN Weather no longer works (cannot connect to server), but I found a replacement weather app
5. Gmail works (I wasn't able to set up a working account on higher Windows 10 build, it couldn't connect to the server for some reason even with entered manual settings by adding other mail account)
6. User interface seems MUCH better and more intuitive on WP10, with more settings some of which are really useful for my father (e.g. to easily set up internet data volume limit), it's not lagging at all, everything works as smooth as possible
7. Viber installed and works, but I think that's about it when it comes to supported VoIP apps on Windows Mobile (Skype, Messenger and Whatsapp are no longer supported on Windows Mobile (Whatsapp will stop working from 14th January 2020, so 5 more days)).

If you know of any other working VoIP app that could perhaps work on 10586.107 Build please let me know so I'll try it out.

I created a final backup with WPinternals.

My father is super happy, and I'm super happy for being able to help my father by bringing more life into his Lumia phone, THANKS TO YOU GUYS!!! I've learned A LOT during this process, and that's the beauty of it all.

To be honest, now I've fallen in love with that phone, I'm now even thinking of getting one Lumia 1020 for myself LOL :-)))

THANK YOU guys again for your AMAZING help and support!!! You guys are truly unbelievable! :-)

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - CTHTC - 09.01.20

Good Morning
and thanks for the feedback.

It's really cool that everything worked out in the end.
Congratulations. :victorious: