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Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - Tourniquet - 09.01.20

nautilus schrieb:Ladies and Gentlemen,

Just to inform you all that EVERYTHING now works perfectly on Windows 10 Mobile Version 1511 Build 10586.107 :-) Yeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaa! :-))))

After upgrading to Windows 10 Mobile Version 1511 Build 10586.107:

1. Lumia Camera is there, and works as supposed (5MP jpeg, 5MP + 34MP jpeg, 5MP jpeg + 34MP (raw) photo resolution choices).
2. HERE Drive+s works with Croatian speech navi :-) (I sideloaded HERE Drive+ app that works on WP10, thank you again Tourniquet!!)
3. Windows Store works (downloaded and installed almost all the apps that were previously installed on Lumia with WP8.1)
4. It seems MSN Weather no longer works (cannot connect to server), but I found a replacement weather app
5. Gmail works (I wasn't able to set up a working account on higher Windows 10 build, it couldn't connect to the server for some reason even with entered manual settings by adding other mail account)
6. User interface seems MUCH better and more intuitive on WP10, with more settings some of which are really useful for my father (e.g. to easily set up internet data volume limit), it's not lagging at all, everything works as smooth as possible
7. Viber installed and works, but I think that's about it when it comes to supported VoIP apps on Windows Mobile (Skype, Messenger and Whatsapp are no longer supported on Windows Mobile (Whatsapp will stop working from 14th January 2020, so 5 more days)).

If you know of any other working VoIP app that could perhaps work on 10586.107 Build please let me know so I'll try it out.

I created a final backup with WPinternals.

My father is super happy, and I'm super happy for being able to help my father by bringing more life into his Lumia phone, THANKS TO YOU GUYS!!! I've learned A LOT during this process, and that's the beauty of it all.

To be honest, now I've fallen in love with that phone, I'm now even thinking of getting one Lumia 1020 for myself LOL :-)))

THANK YOU guys again for your AMAZING help and support!!! You guys are truly unbelievable! :-)

Glad to see it is finally all working. I do have to say though 10586.107 is a really buggy build, I would still have updated to the last 10586 Build just to have the phone working as great as possible (but yeah you don't have WPInternals support with that one sadly).

What confuses me the most ist the Lumia Camera App. Microsoft changed something for the 1020 to make sure it does not get uninstalled by upgrading from WP8.1 to Windows 10 Mobile. So in theory it should've been there even before. Maybe you now have a different firmware pack which makes things work a bit differently than before?

Anyway all that counts is, that everything works fine now Smile

If anything you should be looking at a Lumia 950 XL, has a very good Camera too Tongue

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - skaarj80 - 09.01.20

Congrats, have fun with your old new 1020 and greetings to Dad [emoji6]

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Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - nautilus - 11.01.20

Thank you guys for all of your nice messages :-)
Btw, I also conveyed your greetings to my dad today evening, he is very happy with his phone now :-)))

And believe it or not, I got myself another Lumia 1020 today evening hahaha (I simply had to buy one for myself, it's really an awesome phone :-)).

I have just upgraded this new Lumia to WP10 build 10586.107 (before doing so I unlocked bootloader with WPinternals and created a backup, learned from experience :-))
But I cannot get Lumia Camera app on this build for some reason (it wasn't even present on WP8.1, perhaps the owner had never installed it).

Now, the question for you experts:

1. Would it be possible that I flash this new Lumia 1020 with the firmware from my fathers Lumia? Would that approach work? And then simply restore the backup on my Lumia that I created for his phone? Would that be possible?
2. Or try to rollback using WDRT to WP8.1 to see if I'll get Lumia Camera (Nokia Camera app) there? And from there upgrade again to WP10 to keep Lumia Camera and then prevent Store to download the update for it.

Please suggest what would the the best working approach in your opinion.

Thank you guys again!!!

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - skaarj80 - 11.01.20

Good morning,
personally, I would take the longer way, back to WP8.1 and then Phone Updater to the preferred build, maybe in your case the WPInternal unlock.

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Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - Tourniquet - 14.01.20

nautilus schrieb:Thank you guys for all of your nice messages :-)
Btw, I also conveyed your greetings to my dad today evening, he is very happy with his phone now :-)))

And believe it or not, I got myself another Lumia 1020 today evening hahaha (I simply had to buy one for myself, it's really an awesome phone :-)).

I have just upgraded this new Lumia to WP10 build 10586.107 (before doing so I unlocked bootloader with WPinternals and created a backup, learned from experience :-))
But I cannot get Lumia Camera app on this build for some reason (it wasn't even present on WP8.1, perhaps the owner had never installed it).

Now, the question for you experts:

1. Would it be possible that I flash this new Lumia 1020 with the firmware from my fathers Lumia? Would that approach work? And then simply restore the backup on my Lumia that I created for his phone? Would that be possible?
2. Or try to rollback using WDRT to WP8.1 to see if I'll get Lumia Camera (Nokia Camera app) there? And from there upgrade again to WP10 to keep Lumia Camera and then prevent Store to download the update for it.

Please suggest what would the the best working approach in your opinion.

Thank you guys again!!!

Wow you really got yourself Lumia 1020 too? Congrats!

At first I would try a factory reset to see if it appears, if it’s really not there you should try to reflash it with the FFU you used (WDRT) for your fathers phone, but this time you need to flash it through Windows Phone Internals. The reason is simple: You now might have a different “version”, maybe a carrier labeled one, to get rid of those things, you can just flash a “normal” ffu, to make it similar to your dad’s phone.

What’s weird that the app is not installed there. A good way to check before is the extras -> advance info app to see if the firmware is the same between both phones.

Also you might think 10586.107 is “good” but it’s really not. At the very very least please upgrade to 14003.1176 if you’re planning to use that phone in real life…it has SOO many bugfixes. Yes it’s not unlockable but in “normal use” it should never be a problem.

And since this is not your dad’s phone maybe you even want to try 14393 on it Smile, might be worth a shot 😊

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - nautilus - 15.01.20

Tourniquet schrieb:Wow you really got yourself Lumia 1020 too? Congrats!

At first I would try a factory reset to see if it appears, if it’s really not there you should try to reflash it with the FFU you used (WDRT) for your fathers phone, but this time you need to flash it through Windows Phone Internals. The reason is simple: You now might have a different “version”, maybe a carrier labeled one, to get rid of those things, you can just flash a “normal” ffu, to make it similar to your dad’s phone.

What’s weird that the app is not installed there. A good way to check before is the extras -> advance info app to see if the firmware is the same between both phones.

Also you might think 10586.107 is “good” but it’s really not. At the very very least please upgrade to 14003.1176 if you’re planning to use that phone in real life…it has SOO many bugfixes. Yes it’s not unlockable but in “normal use” it should never be a problem.

And since this is not your dad’s phone maybe you even want to try 14393 on it Smile, might be worth a shot 

Hi, thank you! Yeah, I simply had to get one for myself, and you guys managed to convert me to Windows phone hahaha :-)))) And I love that Lumia camera for some reason :-)

OK, here's what I did with my phone:

1. As you suggested, I tried to hard reset, Nokia/Lumia Camera app didn't show on the phone.

2. As skaarj80 suggested, I restored it back again to Windows 8.1 using WDRT, Nokia Camera was now there. The phone then automatically downloaded latest 8.1 build and updated to it, Nokia Camera app was still there.

3. Then I did an upgrade to Windows 10 Mobile Version 1511 Build 10586.107 using your AWESOME upgrade tool Tourniquet :-) Nokia Camera app was still there (btw, in case of my father's phone Nokia Camera got renamed to Lumia Camera, in my case the app remained as Nokia Camera on WP10 build 10586.107

4. I created a backup with WPinternals (first had to unlock bootloader), everything completed successfully

5. Then I did a hard reset because I had some issues with the battery status (it was showing as 100% charged as soon as I would remove the phone from the charger even though it wasn't fully charged. False reading was being shown until I would restart the phone.
That's why I decided to make a hard reset to see if the battery charge issue would get cleared. But after a hard reset Nokia Camera app was gone from the phone :-(

6. Now the next step was either restoring a backup that I already had created on that build or trying once more to rollback to WP8.1 and try again with the upgrade to see if there will be any changes. I decided to take the longer way again.

7. After rolling back to WP8.1 using WDRT (and after the phone automatically downloaded latest 8.1 build and updated to it), Nokia Camera was there again.
Now something strange happened: I tried an upgrade to WP10 1511 Build 10586.107 but the phone couldn't upgrade during first two attempts (upgrade tool downloaded the package on Windows 10 Home laptop, deployed it on the phone, got to like 40% of installation preparation progress and then I got an error that the package couldn't be read by the phone, like it was corrupted or something. I restarted the phone, tried again and got the same error. Then I restarted the phone once more and did bootloader unlock with WPinternals and then the upgrade to WP10 went fine.

8. I got a Nokia Camera app still on WP10 1511 Build 10586.107 (wasn't renamed automatically to Lumia Camera app), and now I decided not to make a hard reset as that would most likely delete Nokia Camera app (at least in my case).

9. I disabled automatic updates from Windows Store, and immediately stopped Lumia Camera app and some other apps (like HERE Drive+) in the Store update pending list from getting updated. Those apps were then gone from the pending list (same like in my father's phone upgrade process).

10. The difference in my case compared to my father's phone (we are now both on the same build; Windows 10 Mobile Version 1511 Build 10586.107) is that his phone only got back HERE Drive+ and HERE Maps apps in the pending update list in the Store (I told him never to update them and never to enable automatic updates from the Store). In my case there are several more apps including Lumia Camera app that got back again on the list waiting to get updated :-(
I'm afraid not to accidentally click Lumia Camera app update button as that would replace current Nokia Camera app and make Lumia Camera app stop working showing only 'goodbye message'.

Here are my questions:

1. Is there any way to clear pending apps from being on Store update list, and if possible to somehow prevent them from ever getting back on that list again.

2. My father's phone has a different FW, his FW revision is slightly higher (3051.50009.1451.1004, phone was created for Hungarian market), compared to mine (FW rev 3051.50009.1451.1003, phone was created for Hong Kong market). I guess that would explain different Nokia/Lumia apps names and different pending update apps list.
Would anything bad happen if I would flash my phone with his FW revision? I didn't understand what you meant by flashing with '“normal” ffu', which FW would that be?
And then e.g. restore his backup on my phone? In that case I could perhaps avoid having Lumia Camera app on the pending update list in the Store.

Btw, thanks for your suggestion, I might perhaps consider upgrading to 14003.1176 build, but a bit later, first I'll play with the phone on this build to see
how it behaves. But as you already know, I might lose Lumia Camera app on 14003.1176 build and since WPinternals doesn't support that build I would need to go
back to WP8.1 and from there perhaps do a backup restore.

The problem is that at the moment I only have access to Windows 10 on a company's laptop (I no longer have access to a laptop with Windows 10 Home),
and I don't want to install WPinternals there as I read it can give false positives regarding malware/virus detection, and I'd like to avoid any
trouble with that (company policy rules). I do have a private laptop running Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit but as you know I couldn't get WPinternals on my laptop to
enter flash mode on Lumia. Now when I think about it, I will try to play with WPinternals app compatibilty option, perhaps that might do the trick.

It seems I got a phone with a bad/very old battery (after batt capacity drops to around 40%, it suddely drops to like 10% and then the phone switches off, so the battery
perhaps has half the usable capacity). So the next step in my case will be battery replacement (I'll purchase a new battery, not in a hurry at the moment, but I plan to replace it). I just hope there won't be any issues with new battery getting recognized correctly by the phone (I read somewhere yesterday that some users got such an issue after battery replacement and the fix was to flash the FW again).

Many thanks again for any suggestions and for your phenomenal support guys!
P.S. Sorry for the longer post. I hope people that are deciding to upgrade their phones will have at least some use from this long forum thread :-)

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - Tourniquet - 20.01.20

Sorry for the late response – you just wrote…….a lot Big Grin

5) -> this actually sounds more like a hardware problem to me, aka the battery might need to be replaced?
That the Nokia Camera app is not there after a hardreset is still a bit weird. If it was a preinstalled app it should be there. Not instantaneously but after a while (it takes some time for them to show up right after a factory reset)

To your questions:

  1. Well not really. If you disable automatic update, they will still show up, but won’t automatically update themselves anymore
  2. The firmware itself is not higher, its just for a different region, that’s all. As long as you CAN flash that ROM, it should be fine. There is usually a check if that phone is compatible with a certain ROM or not. But overall it should be fine, as long as it’s not AT&T branded.
  3. Restoring his Backup on your phone will probably cause a lot of problems, so I would avoid doing that.

Yeah I get it, just see if everything works etc and if it does, you can always upgrade later.

Afaik WPInternals should be compatible with Windows 7 as long as you have the drivers. Installed. A lot of problems can be caused by a certain USB-Port or cable so watch out for that.

Ha ha yeah that’s what I thought so in the first place, might be better to replace the battery. Btw the “polarcell” batteries are pretty good, no idea if they have one for the Lumia 1020 though.

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - nautilus - 23.01.20

Tourniquet schrieb:Heya,
Sorry for the late response – you just wrote…….a lot Big Grin

5) -> this actually sounds more like a hardware problem to me, aka the battery might need to be replaced?
That the Nokia Camera app is not there after a hardreset is still a bit weird. If it was a preinstalled app it should be there. Not instantaneously but after a while (it takes some time for them to show up right after a factory reset)

To your questions:

  1. Well not really. If you disable automatic update, they will still show up, but won’t automatically update themselves anymore
  2. The firmware itself is not higher, its just for a different region, that’s all. As long as you CAN flash that ROM, it should be fine. There is usually a check if that phone is compatible with a certain ROM or not. But overall it should be fine, as long as it’s not AT&T branded.
  3. Restoring his Backup on your phone will probably cause a lot of problems, so I would avoid doing that.

Yeah I get it, just see if everything works etc and if it does, you can always upgrade later.

Afaik WPInternals should be compatible with Windows 7 as long as you have the drivers. Installed. A lot of problems can be caused by a certain USB-Port or cable so watch out for that.

Ha ha yeah that’s what I thought so in the first place, might be better to replace the battery. Btw the “polarcell” batteries are pretty good, no idea if they have one for the Lumia 1020 though.

Hi Tourniquet,

Thank you for taking the time to read my long post and for answering my questions.

Yes, it's weird I didn't get Lumia Camera app after doing a hard reset. Perhaps I didn't wait long enough as you mentioned, but it wasn't there for sure (not sure how long I waited before deciding on rolling back).

Thanks for the explanation regarding firmware. OK, then I won't try to flash it, I wouldn't gain much with it.

I ordered new replacement battery, advertised as 'original' even though I doubt it will be original battery, more likely a copy.Yes, there are Polarcell replacement batteries for Lumia 1020, but they cost like €20, I don't think it's worth investing that much.

I already found one issue on my current OS build (WM10 1511 Build 10586.107), I cannot establish Mobile Access Point connection. As I connect to the Mobile AP using my laptop, the connection drops, e.g. it cannot get established. I also tried AP via Bluetooth, but I cannot get the connection working. So, I'm looking to perhaps upgrading to the higher build in case I won't be able to fix the issue with the Access Point.

Many thanks again!

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - Tourniquet - 23.01.20

You're welcome!

Hope it all works out with your battery.

Regarding Bluetooth / Mobile Access Point, no idea honestly. Just try a bit around. If the factory reset did not fix the problem, it might be the OS version, there is a small change this is fixed in a higher Build and a bigger chance in 14393+.

Please keep us updated Smile

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - nautilus - 27.01.20

Tourniquet schrieb:You're welcome!

Hope it all works out with your battery.

Regarding Bluetooth / Mobile Access Point, no idea honestly. Just try a bit around. If the factory reset did not fix the problem, it might be the OS version, there is a small change this is fixed in a higher Build and a bigger chance in 14393+.

Please keep us updated Smile

OK, here's an update:

I have successfully replaced the battery, it works perfectly, no more issues with false battery charge readings, so that issue was definitely due to faulty battery.

Secondly, I managed to fix the issue with the Access Point on Lumia. What I did was to set fixed IP address in Wireless Network Connection IPv4 properties on a laptop which I was trying to connect to Lumia Access Point. I've set IP address in 192.168.137.X range (subnet with default gateway, and I used Google Public DNS IP address (or as DNS server), and it works.

I stumbled upon one more issue I'm currently trying to fix:
Mobile Data Usage is being shown incorrectly. Actually the phone does warn correctly by the message when it's getting close to the set limit value or when limit is being reached, but for some reason the total data usage on the screen is stuck (e.g. it constantly shows only 28 MB consumed; limit set to e.g. 1500 MB in my case). I'll see in a few days after the start of next month will the counter reset and start showing the real usage.
Btw, I wonder where does it show data traffic consumed through mobile Access Point? e.g. if I check Data usage details I could see only traffic per apps, not the traffic that went through connected Access Point.

Upgrading Nokia Lumia 1020 to Windows 10 & Project Astoria questions - Tourniquet - 28.01.20

nautilus schrieb:OK, here's an update:

I have successfully replaced the battery, it works perfectly, no more issues with false battery charge readings, so that issue was definitely due to faulty battery.

Secondly, I managed to fix the issue with the Access Point on Lumia. What I did was to set fixed IP address in Wireless Network Connection IPv4 properties on a laptop which I was trying to connect to Lumia Access Point. I've set IP address in 192.168.137.X range (subnet with default gateway, and I used Google Public DNS IP address (or as DNS server), and it works.

I stumbled upon one more issue I'm currently trying to fix:
Mobile Data Usage is being shown incorrectly. Actually the phone does warn correctly by the message when it's getting close to the set limit value or when limit is being reached, but for some reason the total data usage on the screen is stuck (e.g. it constantly shows only 28 MB consumed; limit set to e.g. 1500 MB in my case). I'll see in a few days after the start of next month will the counter reset and start showing the real usage.
Btw, I wonder where does it show data traffic consumed through mobile Access Point? e.g. if I check Data usage details I could see only traffic per apps, not the traffic that went through connected Access Point.

Congrats on replacing your battery Smile

I remember that there were Data Usage problems. Usually you will see the Data being consume through the mobile access point via the normal Mobile Data Usage stuff in settings.

It might be that it was only fixed in 14393 or even 15063 but I'm not quite sure about that. Remember you're using the first ever released Build of Windows 10 Mobile, which still had a LOT of bugs. It's still recommended to update :crazy: