18.05.19, 12:36
ja war schon w10m drauf,, aber iwie hat es nurnoch gelahmt und kamera hat gehackt und und und ......
so war mein vorschlag na dann w10m un alles neu drauf, dann kannst dir sicher sein es is nichts mehr drauf an müll
dann is alles neu installiert auch kamera ap etc. un alles ist ok
na ok dann los ....
erst der fehler mit blue screen und bitlocker kann nicht auf den entschlüsselungs key zugreifen
klar wenn kein Laufwerk entsperrt wird
also gelesen und .... mass Storage mode
ging nicht weil
weiter gelesen
ok dann mit cmd vllt den key rausfinden und per hand unlocken aber da gabs - der schlüssel isses nich
weiter gelesen
letzte möglichkeit - alles neu drauf - von fw bis sw - ok also dann ma das
und da hängts....
oder ebend genau da komm ich nicht weiter weil
oder aber möglichkeit2
beziehungsweise möglichkeit 3
so war mein vorschlag na dann w10m un alles neu drauf, dann kannst dir sicher sein es is nichts mehr drauf an müll
dann is alles neu installiert auch kamera ap etc. un alles ist ok
na ok dann los ....
erst der fehler mit blue screen und bitlocker kann nicht auf den entschlüsselungs key zugreifen
klar wenn kein Laufwerk entsperrt wird
also gelesen und .... mass Storage mode
ging nicht weil
Zitat: kein Entschlüsselung key vorhanden oder kann nicht gefunden werden
weiter gelesen
ok dann mit cmd vllt den key rausfinden und per hand unlocken aber da gabs - der schlüssel isses nich
weiter gelesen
letzte möglichkeit - alles neu drauf - von fw bis sw - ok also dann ma das
und da hängts....
oder ebend genau da komm ich nicht weiter weil
Zitat:Initiating emergency downloadUsing default emergency protocol
Emergency Programmer V1 version 2014.10.31.001
Hex download selected
Check if device in Dload
Message send failed with error code -1
Waiting connection to DLOAD: 2 of 2
Check if device in Dload
Message send failed with error code -1
Failed to connect to DLOAD mode
Make sure that the COM port is free. Close QPST.
Emergency messaging closed successfully
Operation took about 7.00 seconds.
THOR2 exited with error code 85030 (0x14C26)
oder aber möglichkeit2
Zitat:Initiating emergency download for RnD.Create emergency messaging...
Create emergency messaging...END
Checking trace_usb...END
Get connectionString...
Get connectionString...END
Open messaging...
Open messaging...END
Forced Sahara protocol
Create EmergencyProgrammer V3..
Create EmergencyProgrammer V3..END
Emergency Programmer V3 version 2015.03.09.001
ED download selected
Sahara image entries START
0x0D, C:\ProgramData\WPInternals\Repository\RM-1067\MPRG8x26_fh.ede, true
Sahara image entries END
Starting Sahara emergency download
Entering state WAIT_HELLO
HELLO packet not set as handshake message
Receiving HELLO
HELLO not received
Entering state WAIT_COMMAND
END_IMAGE_TX received
END_IMAGE_TX with error status (triggering RESET)
Sending RESET
RESET sent
Entering state WAIT_RESET_RESP
RESET_RESP received
Status code 1, Error Str: Invalid command received in current state
Stopped Sahara emergency download (status code = 1)
Emergency messaging closed successfully
Operation took about 4.00 seconds.
Unknown error code.
THOR2 exited with error code 1 (0x1)
beziehungsweise möglichkeit 3
Zitat:Initiating emergency download for RnD.Create emergency messaging...
Create emergency messaging...END
Checking trace_usb...END
Get connectionString...
Get connectionString...END
Open messaging...
Open messaging...END
Forced Sahara protocol
Create EmergencyProgrammer V3..
Create EmergencyProgrammer V3..END
Emergency Programmer V3 version 2015.03.09.001
ED download selected
Sahara image entries START
0x0D, C:\ProgramData\WPInternals\Repository\RM-1067\MPRG8x26_fh.ede, true
Sahara image entries END
Starting Sahara emergency download
Entering state WAIT_HELLO
HELLO packet not set as handshake message
Receiving HELLO
HELLO not received
Entering state WAIT_COMMAND
Stopped Sahara emergency download (status code = 0)
Emergency Programmer V3 version 2015.03.09.001
EDPAYLOAD download selected
Sending firehose single image
Waiting for Ed ready message, timeout 500 ms
Waiting for Ed ready message...DONE, status 0
Handling ed image C:\ProgramData\WPInternals\Repository\RM-1067\RM1067_fh.edp to partition EMERGENCY
Image opened successfully for reading
Payload tool:
Apr 4 2014 08:12:09 Version 000.000.003
Payload generation info:
Fri Jun 20 06:56:17 2014
SW_ID:00000000ffff0000H, KCI:1303, MSM_ID:008000E100000000H, RKH76AE35E9D76000F34DD189FFD09DF00055EB3A1H
Send signature
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Warning: response was not in xml format!
Message receive timeout!
Message send/receive failed with error code 85021
Failed to send signature!
Handling ed image ended with status 85021
Emergency messaging closed successfully
Operation took about 21.00 seconds.
THOR2 exited with error code 85021 (0x14C1D)